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She played the way my New York apartment sounded,
if I had one and she were mine. 



Tawkify - Erin

Waiting for a date


at a restaurant

in the mixed shadow

of celebrated faces.


Someone recognized me

asked where the restroom was,

I stared,

holding a half smile.

Oh, I recognize you.

You don’t work here.


I wonder who I resemble

in this Hollywood atmosphere

when I was heavier it was Heavy D.

Perhaps today it’s Ice Cube

or his son

though they are taller,


It is dark in here,

perhaps this is an omen

of things to come

figuring into events

filled with possibility.


I was told to clear my mind

to relish in meeting someone

who I might have never met

but for this moment



I relinquish,

allowing the universe to guide me

long before my star arrives

on the walk of fame.


It has been so long I'm forgetting about

what it was like and how it felt

the memory of touch becoming a fantasy of unreality

a dream that once could have been

but never was or will be again


But then there are times when my palm

becomes a velvet vision of a long past situation

imagined in the once upon a time

and my brain explodes in colors and sensations


feelings emote noises,

moanings of pleasure  

and blessings of Namaste

my head falls and my eyes roll

into a warm bath of liquid ecstasy

until the electric tsunami explodes

as lighting brought down

from my brain stem to my pelvis


I loose and release everything and all that I am

in a thick tide of expletives

culminating in grace and death

then lay back, exhausted and spent

a fresh open wound

exposed to the elements



It’s come full circle,

another shot fired around the sun.

Three hundred sixty five degrees,

the circumference of time

five more than a circle.


Is this a coincidence?


12 months

doubled to twenty four hours,

equal to one day,

one year,

one moment in the vast expanse

of time’s tribulation

and life’s romance.


I am flying a rock through the galaxy,

an aged Spaceman Spiff

dictating the days of my life in time.

Tick ticking in the background,

winking at me through heartbeats.

Steering my rudder through dark matter

leaving a rainbow wake

of Milky Way glitter

reflecting in cosmic star shine.


Just one day,

since my first day,


my birthday.



What would you say if you knew,
this was the last time you would see someone
or be in their presence?
Would you tell them of the hate,
of the envy,
the jealousy
or any of the seven deadly,
how you feel about,
or how they made you feel about
everything you went through,
and left you feeling how you are right now?

Would you tell them of the love,
of the longing ache,
or any of the hopeful blessings
never confided or fulfilled?
Roads less traveled,
never taken,
swimming in waters of regret
and contemplation,
with possibilities always wanted,
but never attempted,
now left abandoned
when their leave is taken,
and you part…
this one last time.

Will you say wait and see,
stay and believe,
drop to your knees
and speak of hope,
Reminisce on first meetings
and dreams of a future,
leading to this,
an unknown farewell
steeped in a lost goodbye.

The hopeful words,
imagined or spoken,
in the aftermath of knowledge
at the passing of one,
coupled with coulda shoulda regrets,
in the black empty void of the ether.
Questions asked now
will remain…
as true loss is something
never to be found,
ever again.

As much as I have learned
I continue to understand
I and we really know so little
as to be nothing.
Nothing about the important things,
nothing answering the real questions
and conundrums
that plague us daily.
We are slaves to our emotions
and intentions
and justifications,
current needs and wants
and damn everything else,
come what may.

Who are we really,
and don’t answer,
because you’re wrong.
I’m wrong.
And they are wrong,
especially if they say they are right,
then they are really wrong.

The fact is,
we can’t figure it out,
and maybe
we are not supposed to.
The beautiful empty
meaninglessness of it all
is becoming clearer.
Age isn’t wisdom,
age is just age
and age sucks
and it is not exactly wasted on the young.
I have learned one thing
that some of you might understand,
you will never know how invincible you were,
until the day you realize you are not.


Tenderizing the Madness


Bukowski iterated in a way

the common man could appreciate,

while Schafer helped me understand

all the crying and fighting and living and dying. 


Bowman mirrored my heart,

stole my love, then took up my curse,

in the Twilight Zone.

Smallwood made majestic patrols of prose

with world words of liberal liberty.


Arnold was a silver haired diamond

setting in a brilliant prose and poem,

beside Dixon, my nemesis

who could win a Pulitzer

if his dick ever got out of his way.


Williams showed me the power

possibilities of words loaded like munitions

shot from the mouth delivered as fat man

and little boy’s nuclear destruction

while Wood thundered from the heavens

as the voice of God,

a black light king of inspiration 

causing frustration jealousy and worship

with a stick of gum.


Grammar was my guru

sitting on a mountaintop in space

Takamasa in rags with a piece pipe

pontificating in smoke.

But Matchek was the catalyst

who changed this path of life

a Chicagoan’s snarl in a pulp fiction suit

demanding I write it all down,

and call it poetry.


They are none of them Shakespeare

and here they remain beside Buckley

lords all, greater and lesser gods by right

bolstering me to heights beyond my sight

the fire beneath my leather

a mulatto archangel, sky born and raw

an angry slave to the literary madness

in a fire started by the Kingfisher.


And to the two stooge influencers

who arrived before my awakening.

Rollins and Lewis

I bow my dome and tip my cover.


Rollins pontificated for three hours

a lecture on life with a quiz at the end

while Lewis spoke on the back porch

backed up by the Celestial Navigations.


My arrival here is thanks to you all

for I am just a conduit

an amalgam of your influence

stealing the way Jarmusch told me to

with my eyes on the sky

hoping to rise.


Top of the world dad.

Telling True


I want to tell my story.

The original nothing special beginnings of abuse

and the brutal betrayals of adolescence.

The friends that came, the ones who went.

The titillating discovery of sexual electricity

and butterflying effects of first connections with another.


I want to speak my truth.

The longing want of wishful hopes,

the dreams that became reality

and the others that became nothing

but a shimmering trail of priceless breadcrumbs

winking like crushed diamonds beneath my feet.


I want to know and be

standing at the summit of a goal reached

the knowledge of absolutes,

that I can achieve anything I choose

and the intimate crushing fear of

creating nothing of meaning, ever again.


I want to preach,

my eyes filled with the waters of emotion


dancing in electric moments

that won’t allow me to stand still.

I want to live in the space

between Hosanna and Yahweh

run, feel the wind whistling

by my own propulsion of adrenaline juice

pumping acid through my body suit.


I want to scream until it’s all out,

the determination, happiness and frustration

until my throat is a jar of broken pipes and chords

and my voice can only be displayed in actions.


I want to be locked in every moment

held frozen in a swirl of time’s neverending foreverness

with my fellow comrades on this voyage

tipping hats and clinking bottles

as we tell tales, tall drunken and long.


Today we speak the truth of fables

creating legends

born of tomorrow’s realities

to future generations who will one day

stand at the summit,

with tears ready to spill

and preach their own contributions

to the verse.

show me a satin black muscle car from the 50's.jpg


It was all flat

satin black

tinted windows

and gunmetal trim.


born in the fifty’s with a new lease

when the century turned,

it sounded angry...

it was very angry all the time.


It's grille shone

all teeth in black chrome

smiling and chewing

everything in its path.

and yes... it did own

the whole fucking road!


its favorite movie was Christine 

though i know it hated the ending. 

its favorite speed was 90

but when the cops started chasing

it became frightening.


I never knew its real name,

it never told me,

but I called it Victor

when it was mine.

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