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Alphabet Gumbo
Father Sand
I miss the vitality of youth,
the absence of aches,
the pains from positions jolting
electric shocks of what my body could do
once upon a time without thought or concern.
I miss the giddy-up of going wherever, whenever
with no forward thought to reminders of
restrooms, medications or proper footwear.
I miss the upstanding salute of libido
that was, could and would be happily ready
to perform at a moment’s opportunity.
The hint of flesh, whisper of a kiss
or wink of desire caused a waking stir.
I miss friends who have passed
to marriage and children
and others who have traveled
fleeing to other lands
some beyond the veil of my current reach.
They foretell a future of missing,
of loss without recovery,
words and intentions never shared
can now be nevermore.
I miss opportunities lost to the now,
looking forward to the next ones
hoping beyond hope to recognize the missing
in the moment before it comes to snatch opportunities.
Age is not wasted on youth, for it is in youth we do,
as it is in the seasoned to cherish that which was done.
For as each generation reaches further
it is inherent, being human, to strive for more
and it is in the living to never truly know
how far and how much we, can truly achieve
before opportunity slips to the bottom of the hourglass.
The Slap
Set us back along the path
to the wonder years
Set us back twenty-five
to the Tyson ear
Set us back with an open hand
arriving in the face of what got him here
Set us back by our skin,
the reaction with a violent act
Set us back to,
“See that right there,
can’t take them anywhere.”
Slapped us down the rung
to climb back up
from where we came from
toiling though dirt
and rising up
just to prove our worth
Set us back along the face
by a royal hand with no class
Set us back as he won the day
and showed his ass
Peaches & Playdough
I remember the night we met, blind with friends
seeing the effects of them and now and then
standing on your porch for hours in the fog
holding each other for warmth,
and happy to just be
our spirits dancing,
aura’s mingling in body heat
until we didn’t know who was who.
And I don’t know if I loved you then…
but I knew something.
I remember your eyes,
changing from blue to green
to turquoise and back again,
your pupils shifting above your smile
going supernova when I stared into them
every part of you tasted like peaches
your skin running like silk melting beneath my fingers.
We came together like sheets in a dryer
entwined in each other
neither of us caring where you began
or where I came to my end
it was effortless and thoughtless and you never knew
but I wondered about our future
and what the world would be like as an us together.
The whirlwind of what we were and what we became
began with us not wanting the same things
the instability of life, the incarcerations of my mind
destroyed all hope dared to believe,
in us within the prospects of family.
Have you ever been so afraid
you killed the thing you wanted?
Have you ever lost a treasure
you weren’t looking for?
It wasn’t until I grew up
and the smoke from my battles began to dissipate
into the dead ether of space
realization brought me back to your place
and the confines of our love embrace,
when I saw the chemistry between you and me,
a palpable connection in chemical reactions
of hunger and thirst and the cosmic heat
generated from what was an us,
then the starvation of a life without
often saying you were the one that got away.
But the something hiding deep inside that I didn’t know then,
but I understand now was…
My body knew,
because I relaxed when you were around…
and the hunger filling the vast empty space
in the depths of my life went away.
When my only nourishment
was the proximity of you…
I was full.
Lightning & Snow
This is the end of the beginning.
The inevitable finality of the first chapter,
the two’s tango, the cat and mouse trap.
This is the conclusion, when the mystery is solved
the whodunit revealed, because this… is the inspiration
driving us since the discovery of attraction,
from the childhood days of sandboxes and swing sets.
Those, puppyish moments of youthful flirtation,
excitement spun into the web of our lives.
Each wanting to understand the mystery of the other,
but in that… little girls think, little boys are… stupid,
while, little boys think, little girls are… are weird,
and the attraction to equals and opposites
is a concession that mother nature cares not at all…
Adjectives and pronouns
unimportant in the midst of this mystery,
where broken windows of opportunity
carry electrostatic moments
of inspiration and attraction.
One would think opinions would change as we mature,
when time begins flipping like a deck of old cards, but no
as we grow the mystery deepens, but juvenile ideas don’t.
We make attempts to understand the new,
while attempting to control, holding to
the suspicious opinions of an immature youth.
Chemistry coalesces in the midst of life’s experiment
and suddenly, the universe opens… wide and enormous.
A rare moment, but in that, something happens
in the sand crumbling between toes
at the foot of the magic castle.
It comes from a knowing smirk across a room,
a simple nod from the bar and the sip of a drink,
or in the mundane task of shopping for groceries…
when you catch the eyes of a stranger…
The broken hold of breath,
the sudden hopeful belief in something other,
the transcendency of everything in the universe…
That moment, when you know.
It’s not always like this,
lightning bolts and snowflakes,
and it is never the same way twice.
It can arrive in a moment or after long hours,
passing days to years, until a sudden blind realization
seizes, shakes you around and says, “Hey, I’m right here!”
That’s the tango, the dance of hit and miss,
the lost foundlings and where for art thou’s.
You want to see, to know, hopeful to be with
and the possibility of entering into the beginning of a we,
or perhaps an us, outside of them,
who never have and may never find,
one to compete or complete this living dream.
But of course there is no, one.
Everything is too big for there to be just one.
There are too many possibilities
and far too many circumstances
causing and affecting the outcome to be just one.
And what if there were,
and they were half or three times your age,
living on another continent or didn’t speak your language?
Are you supposed to hunt?
Use a google earth, satellites and GPS
in an effort to pinpoint the exact right one
you’ve been searching for in the end all be all?
Or is it destiny, fate, karma, or faith?
Will the universe just bring you together,
moving mountains and crossing seas
until your paths cross…
Time pauses, and somewhere…
somewhere deep in the recesses of stardust
lingering within the beating of two hearts, brains or souls…
You know them and they you, as certain as breath…
There is no doubt, without them, life will continue
though it will be, less remarkable, then you’ve always hoped,
without this connection to explore and share,
achievement and failure…
to support and be supported…
to fight, love, hate, and make up, through ups and downs
for the rest the time you have on this spinning rock,
you will feel… a little bit less, than you really could.
All of this, striking in the flash of a moment,
lost, the moment you catch up with yourself.
The urgency of the moment kills possibility,
the necessity of the right now,
afraid of the unknown, outside of the self,
away from your current state of distraction.
It is part of an unfamiliar world
which silences the inner spirit,
breaks contact and leaves you… wanting.
Excuses and pleasantries exchange quickly
and like ants, you pass on the concrete,
going different directions never to see each other again.
You convince yourself it is the universe’s responsibility
to make these things happen, though,
we constantly swipe left over trivialities
and don’t respond even when we want to.
The immediate conundrum of a connection is:
what will they think if, or my friends, or my family,
and what am I supposed to do if they…
You are hunting for something
you are too afraid to find, and if found,
will deny the truth of it.
But what if… success arrives
and we are able to squeeze a connection?
The race is over, and we hope
we will never have to return to that bloody
apocalyptic battlefield of lost souls,
starting over and doing alone again.
We have sought and have found one,
and we have decided, and now, we will hold this one,
good enough for us, good enough for now,
good enough forever. A one in seven of billions,
not everything wished or hoped for,
but at least we are not
doing the dreaded Jabberwock of alone.
The truth of the one is outside of our vision,
blinded by what ifs,
family upbringings and personal judgments.
The truth of the one is they are beside you,
right beside you,
and one hundred thousand miles into their world
and not even on your radar.
They have similar likes and dislikes,
a sense of humor, and a smile that you create
and they create in you.
The truth of the one is hidden in the universal stardust
pumping deep within you…
if only you listen can you find them,
but the truth of the one lives moment to moment
outside of a ticking alarm clock and just as you,
they are on their own path.
The truth of the one may not be symbiotic with you
and that should be cherished,
your life need not end for them, nor theirs for you.
In the acceptance of this, is contemplation rather than denial.
hope and possibility where before, only fear and judgment.
In this, there is happiness, and contentment,
and the possibility of love… that four letter word
the truth of which escapes most of us, most of the time.
Even hope cannot find in darkness,
what one truly believes to be nonexistent.
So, go now, reach out and try something or someone new,
let yourself a moment to consider,
and listen to the truth speaking in you right now,
but you are too distracted or afraid to listen.
This is the end of the beginning.
And though it is not the truth,
it is what we all wish were true.